Common Limiting Beliefs of Women of Faith

Clear examples will help you begin to understand limiting beliefs.

Below I have listed 32 limiting beliefs that I've encountered in myself, or other women during my time as a coach. This is in no way an exhaustive list.

  1. I am not enough to make a good man "happy" (He will leave me someday, I'm not good enough to attract or marry one)
  2. I can't trust myself.
  3. I can't trust God.
  4. I don’t know what I want.
  5. I'm a bad mom.
  6. I'm not smart enough to chase my dream or calling.
  7. If it hasn’t happened yet, it never will.
  8. Being embarrassed in public is the worst thing that could ever happen and I would never recover from that.
  9. If I let my emotions flow/show, they will overwhelm people.
  10. I have to trade the feeling of being "alive" to be a "good" Christian.
  11. “Dying to self” means that I can’t say "no" to anyone.
  12. I can’t make more money, a lot of money, or more than a man.
  13. It’s prideful to be successful or confident.
  14. If people saw the real me, they wouldn't love me.
  15. I have to protect myself always, nobody else will.
  16. I'm too young (or too old) to lead.
  17. Feeling bad motivates me to change things.
  18. If I do not give people what they want, I will end up all alone.
  19. I should have worked this out by now.
  20. Money makes other people better than me. (Conversely, if I have money I am better than other people.)
  21. My sins are worse than everyone else's.
  22. If I fail, I should feel bad for a very long time and then be really scared to try again.
  23. It's best to hide and hate the things I don't like about myself.
  24. I have to be a wife & mother to be fully a woman.
  25. People's actions are always about me.
  26. I have to be better than everyone else.
  27. God is holding out on me.
  28. I have to have sex to be "normal" or "an adult" or even "a woman"
  29. Life starts when...
  30. I'm not worthy.
  31. I'm too shy to...
  32. I'm too strong to...

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